El Salvador
Originally asked to assist a local NGO with its first clean water project, PWAP assisted with filtration projects and WASH education curricula in two communities of El Salvador: El Cortez and San Francisco. With BioSand filters functioning in five homes of El Cortez and a large-scale industrial filter system (SkyHydrant) at the local school in San Francisco, the Pure Water Access Project improved access to clean water for over 300 people. Additionally, the group distributed materials on maintenance, function, and creation to keep the communities informed about all aspects of the technologies in place.
The Pure Water Access Project also implemented a WASH education program involving a “Message in a Bottle” campaign in both locations targeting improved hygiene practices and sanitation awareness in the youth populations. Initiatives of this kind have been shown to improve community health, school attendance and achievement, and community gender equality.
The NGO with which we partnered continues to remain a presence in the community ensuring a sustainable solution, and the schoolchildren and over 75 families continue to have a sustainable clean water source.